Tim Danko Shock Split

Tim Danko of Dead Xerox press is moving to New Zealand. Here he does his famed ‘discursive dematerialization’ trick, stepping out of the narrative.

Old P.O. Box is good through March.

tim danko / dead xerox press

P.O. box 68518


Auckland, New Zealand

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Sequential Art Conference, HOWLfest


[We all know this is a way of dressing up comics, putting them out in public and convincing people it’s respectable.]




The Interdisciplinary Studies Unit of the Department of Design, UTS(University of Technology, Sydney) announces a Visual Culture event-a mini-conference on mini-comics, and other themes, at UTS on Saturday 22 May, 2004. The unit is again hosting this scholarly conference that will be held during the same week as the 2004 Sydney Writers’ Festival. The inaugural event in 2002 attracted a small but stimulating range of papers from local academics and postgraduate students. In 2003, as a new development, selected local artists participated in the conference along with academics. This approach will be continued in 2004.

Scholars are invited to submit 200 word proposals which address any of the following panels to the appropriate Panel Chair. The conference will adopt an interdisciplinary approach and so welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines and also from cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of comics.


This panel aims to investigate the realm of D.I.Y. and low cost yet highly creative examples of hand-made comics featuring innovative use of graphic art and design, personal expression, experimental approaches to storytelling and alternative distribution methods. Papers that deal with aspects such as self-publishing, the production of limited edition minicomics by individuals, rather than teams, with hand-painted and silk-screened covers, the use of recycled papers and boards, shonky staples and hand-sewn binding techniques, manual typography and grass roots production values as well as the notion of minicomics as vehicles of creative expression and visual communication on any subject or theme, will be welcome.

(Panel Chair, Michael Hill: Michael.Hill@uts.edu.au)


This manga panel will investigate the importance of shape-shifting bodies such as the machine/human forms in mecha (manga featuring mechanical objects such as giant robots and cyborgs) or androgynous male characters of yaoi (manga that depict bishounen [beautiful boy] characters). We will explore how these bodies offer spaces within which to contemplate issues including gender, identity, and cultural difference.

(Panel Chair, Craig Norris: c.norris@uws.edu.au)


Following the recent spate of film adaptions of comics this panel will consider the challenges and problems of designing transitions of graphic material from print to screen including the re-design of characters, and the restructuring of narratives, page layouts, scenarios and settings for the cinema.

(Panel Chair, Michael Hill: Michael.Hill@uts.edu.au)


This panel will accommodate papers about comics on themes other than those covered in the above panels.

(Panel Chair, Spiros Xenos: spirosxenos@bigpond.com)

Send proposals (by email only) to the relevant Panel Chair by Sunday 29 February 2004. Conference enquiries may be directed to either of the conference covenors (also by email only):

Michael Hill email: Michael.Hill@uts.edu.au

Craig Norris email: c.norris@uws.edu.au

thanx to ComicsAustralia.com for that. and on the animation front:

From: “lisa ronneberg”

Sent: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 05:01:50 +1000

Subject: [octapod] HOWLfest – films wanted


We are looking for films, made by women, to screen at HOWLfest 2004.

Any type – short, long, doco’s, comedy, drama, activist, whatever….

Will be screened on Wednesday 28th January 2004. Need to be on VHS format

If you are interested you can send us your tape, with blurb, photo, contact details etc to:


PO Box 1055

Newcastle 2300

[New South Wales, Australia]



The latest HOWLfest program is online: www.angelfire.com/oz/howlfest

Oh yeah, and literary Journal Meanjin is still looking for comics for their ‘Asia Issue’.


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[from Kieran Mangan]: As Kieran the “Comic Book Drawer” there are some contradictory points to be

made about 2003 – I did not put pen to paper all the long while, not really

even once, except when I did some drawings of rabbits and bears for a 5 year

old and also later for a 3.5 year old. So it was that I instead (of comic book

creating that is) wrote a film script about a girl who cannot differentiate

between reality and fiction. I also made some music which may or may not be

available one day and also worked an extremely dull job in a windowless


BUT I’m back on the Braddock Band Wagon this year with the upcoming Love &

Hate Extravaganza Explosion at Early Gallery in Collingwood, along with many

other Silent Army Ranking Officials. Though more on this later. With this as a

start, I will hopefully be executing a whole lot of pen and ink nonsense this

year, though time always shows if the fruit is ripe enough to fall from the


I will be talking at the Make It Up Day thingo at the Melbourne Town Hall on

the 24th of January, for anyone who is interested in hearing half thought out

concepts regarding autobiographical comics. Other than all this, keep checking

www.silentarmy.com for updates on all our literary philandering.

And remember, it’s the Year of the Monkey, and that’s just gotta be good.

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Sleazon’s Greasings

In the spirit of the New Year, and much beer…. Aaron O’Donnell presents

Colour cover, BW inside. All drawn while so under the influence it’s surprising I could hold a pen. An experiment delving into the artistic side of the mind of a retarted

alcoholic three year old. 24 pages.


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France to Cambodia

Lisa Mandel of Libellus Association:

is pitching a proposal for Cambodia comics teaching August 2004, hoping to have enough $ to bring another comics teacher.

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Gloom & Ambition

from everyone’s favorite goth, Che Gilson

This year I resolve to get rich and famous, submit more scripts to comic book companies. (I finished and sent the one to Dark Horse and if I don’t hear back from them in a few months I’m sending it to AP.)

I resolve to do SOMETHING with my art. Although I’m not sure what. I should resolve to learn more about the computer. And it’s application for art. (I’ve picked up a little already!)

I resolve to educate myself. Read more classic literature and books on science and history.

Submit short stories to magazines and maybe even start work on THAT novel.

I think I have more but I forgot. I probably should have written it down.

I also resolve to acquire a gothic/lolita wardrobe and WEAR IT IN PUBLIC!

Okay…I think that about does it.

Maybe if I feel really ambitious, I’ll buy some language tapes.

That’s IT for Che Gilson


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News From Greg

from Greg MacKay:

I have been working on the much anticipated sequal to arachnodactyly to be named dichloestomaenia which details the slow death of an artist at war in the shed. I am also working on a novel sized comic adaptation of several historical memoirs, tentatlively titled ‘The Little Boy’ In between painting drawing and drinking.

Curiously I was an exhibition finalist for the Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Prize at the Brett Whiteley Studio in Sydney. I was recently published in the Croation comic anthology FOTON alongside artists from Macedonia and France. I was also the recipient of the Wyndham City Contemporary Fine Art Award in Sculpture.

I have had one solo exhibition of painting and three group shows in the last 6 months. When I am not relaxing at the drawing desk I am hard at work restoring an old morris major automobile.

Next year I will be going to Norway to draw and paint at the Laedoemon kunstlerwerksteder in Trondheim as a part of a scholarship I have won.

I should be exciting and I hope to work on some interesting comics.

Tim [Danko] has gone to New Zealand which leaves me and my cat out here in the studio drawing. I hope you have a very happy new year and I look forward to seeing you if you can make it back over here..


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Kirrily blog

from Kirrily Schell:

Comix projects:

Secret Squirrel– a little cluster of comics and sketches that have been selected from various journals spanning the

last 3 years.

Wide Arsed Mole #5– Adventures with Ferret Face, Dorothy, Pertinance and the rest of the Squitters gang.(NO! I don’t believe it!)

Yes its true. I wrote a big fat script for WAM#5 in 2001, which has since evolved into a script for an animation…For now it will be housed in comic form. No official deadline as yet, though I am thinking I’ll be getting alot done by July, as I have a little Masters essay due round then (ie: drawing a comic is a magnificent way to procrastinate whenst an essay is due).

Animation – Sending ‘Toots’ to animation festivals aroond the


Other animation projex? Lets hope so. http://www.comicslifestyle.com/schell/animation.htm

Everytime I draw now I want to animate the character! I hope to have a few interactives happening by the end of the year, as I have a couple of ideas that stem from projects I did at the AIM studio this year.

There you go, a light sprinkle of my comix endeavours for the New Year.



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City of Tales

Win Tane’s Bra

hi john its me stefan and heres my turn.

2004 for stefan.

ill see in the new year camping in flowerdale and for the immediate future remain homeless and on the run in australia till i can decide where i want to live,

…work is continuing on WIN TANE’S BRA

the longest city of tales story. (40 page murder mystery)

clayton noone has finished his part and now i gotta do my mine, 6 pages finished so far and

when i can find somewhere to stay with a table i will get stuck in.

musically there is stuff to do.

Pumice is working out a deal with US label last visible dog to release

the new album RAFT. also gigs in melbourne (8th jan. with ON and ARCHAIC FORMS at planet cafe), adelaide (hopefully 18th jan. with ON and CHRIS SMITH but still being finalised) and brisbane (7th feb. as part of the what is music festival) another possibility is a new zealand tour with chris knox but yet to be confirmed….sometime this year i will get a

dog of my own but i wanna see more of the world too…..jeez.


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Mikal Fikaris: BIG BOOKS


from MPF:

hey jimmy

those pix look awrite awrite and here’s some details on ’em if you dare care…

These are some of the 333 photos taken at the closing party for ‘the hands of braddock’ show, which was the launch of froth/pumice split comic book/record and 4 new posters by aaron.

The opening show also had a stall manned by nat ‘n ali and a live show from pumice.

those shots are coming soon…

1)18 drummers by stefan

2) froth corner w/ nick potter’s head

3) l-r elron (lcd), stepchild and the butcher (jihad against america)

4) l-r aaron,paul (panel of judges) and stepchild gettin’ hasty

5) devilshark plays fer the kids (the idea was to go buy a pack of smokes from the milk bar, but the extension chord was a bit short) with a chain mail vest, ruined strings and LOUD backpack amp.

6) some of the ‘jams’ from a slide projector that was on the wall fer people to use and abuse.

7) froth/pumice jam piece from previous day w/ tim’s new comic to the left.

2004 for froth will become more evident after the first month, but tentatively,now workin in a print room, i have big plans to print BIG BOOKS, namely proan/urgh and a new pure evil anthology by the end of the year.

Already, intact fer shows is the next silent army groop show at early gallery, (february 20th) with over 30 comicists(currently being curated with lachlan, kieran and aaron) and the dark woods exhibition which kicks off in Hobart on the 13th of feb.

And, yes, the new silentarmy collection, still in progress, will be finished in the first half of 2004.


happy new year arsehole. xxxx

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