They’ve been around fer a while now, the Braddock coalition, you mighta heard of this lot… makin’ little books,like PURE EVIL or SILENT ARMY, writing manifestos to leave in public places, contributing unnecessarily to public events and congregations of all sizes, you may even have seen one of their many public displays of the comic book lifestyle…it is likely that you may have met one of them, or even know someone from this esteemed group,the Braddock Coalition.

Summoned back in 1996 with the slogan ‘WE WILL CRUSH YOU’ thrown across their comic books, they now carry the humble ‘BEST DARN COMIC BOOKS IN THIS HOLE COUNTRY’ banner to their name. AS BRADDOCK RAINBOW IS SMALL BUT BRADDOCK RAINBOW IS NEVER ENDING With every issue an unsung prototype to the meaning of life, the Brad dock coalition comic book artist is virtually unstoppable in the pursuit of pride, parody and progression through releases in their chosen medium.

These comic book articles are often noticed with passing glares but rarely organized for the intention of ‘art’, more ideally suitable as communication invoices to their war torn colleagues of outsider ways. FOR BRADDOCK LOVES TO FIGHT AND BRADDOCK FIGHTS TO LOVE.

And as Braddock started with a wind that will never end, so does the Braddock Rainbow stretch over many lands and reach very high, eventually reaching the silent armies of minds atwar – leading them proudly to create their destiny,and destined to lead them selves with creativity. One such group has been using this Braddock term for some time now as a constantly evolving version of hope in an otherwise hopeless fight with art at large and the equivilant to writing new chapters in an unfound book. BRADDOCK IS RICH BUT BRADDOCK HAS NO BANK ACCOUNT

And so, with various new comic book titles being released, many pages to ‘read’ from some eighteen soldiers through their packaged communication invoices,we are sure when we say “this show’s gonna’look real good ‘aye” and would now like to personally invite you to witness this, the ninth show from the braddock coalition, live at-

Early space Upstairs Gallery – 201 Smith street colllingwood, victoria Australiaah. ~ Opening Friday February 20 at 6pm ~ w/NudieSuits playing discs.

~ closing Friday March 12 at 6pm ~ w/ AmazingBoy doing sound and visual.

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Erics Solo

NZers are preparing the 2004 Eric Awards.

Also Komiks Show in Solo, Java (I think.)

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Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to Ape I go…

Hey all it’s Che! I never did this before but John said I could! Blame Him!

I’m going to APE the 22 (?) of Feb. I’m dressing up EGL style. The hilight of this con promises to be Jimmie! He’s actually going and we are going to talk about the Avigon sequel! Woo hoo! My year is looking better and better! I have a number of pro projects in the works. But I’m bound to utter secrecy….shhh


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Big Day UP

From Silent Army Newswire:

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Big Day Out 2004 has commissioned a Dirty Dozen of Melbourne’s finest to put up some murals at Gate 1 of the festival. If there, be sure to look for black and white pieces from Silent Army privates : Mangan & Fikaris. And keep an eye out fer those free comic books kids!


The next Silent Army group show will be at – Early Space, Above Kent st. Cafe : 201 Smith st. Collingwood, Melbourne ( OPENING Friday Feb 20th 6pm and CLOSING Friday March 12th

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Wally Wood’s ‘lazy layouts’

An invaluable reference.

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Charge Forward

from Lark Pien

hi all
i have a new website…finally.  thank you john weeks for kick-starting me…like 3 years ago!!! anyhoo, it’s at big thanks to sean o’connor for making this possible.
will be attending APE this year which is from feb 21 and 22 in san francisco.  i’ve pulled the talents of 20 people together, some artists, some cartoonists, some just comic book readers, (but man they write well!) to produce a comiker’s guide to san francisco. 
there hasn’t been a decent guide for visitors of the comic-ilk, and we’re trying to make everyone’s stay a bit more pleasant…if not more adventurous. it will have a full color cover with fold out maps and house 84 pages of eateries, shops, galleries, music venues, toy stores, art supply stores…you get the picture.  it’s a big project. i’m going to be baking LOTS of cookies and pouring lots of milk for all the contributors come release party time.
also working on Stories from the Ward #5…bats. plenty of bats.
thanks john,

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Happy Apocalypse

and a merry jihad

jo waite

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Froth is Back

“the last volume of froth is now back in circulation w/ reprints of froth16 now including an audio cassette of the stepchild manifesto (originally on minidisc) and reprints of froth17 now including the froth/pumice single on cdr (originally on 7″polycarbonate record)” $11 Australian from P.O. Box 348 Flemington Victoria 3031 Australia.

Mikal notes a flurry of exhibition battles, gigs, parties and possible visit to ‘Pox Ranch’. Yee Haw Comics Lifestyle!

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Can’t ward off the Awards

Possible Aeotearoan awards courtesy Darren Schroder and Black River Digital.

Meanwhile, Mandy Ord, Bruce Mutard, and Ben Hutchings are up for OzComics 2003 Awards.


A prize of $500 is being awarded to the best book self-published

between 1 September 2003 and 30 August 2004 by an Australian writer in each of

the following categories: fiction; poetry; autobiography/memoir/family

history; children’s/young adult; non-fiction general; and history/local history.

Each prize-winner will receive $500 and a trophy containing their book,

framed in acrylic. Contact 02 9555 9757,

The Surface is a new Oz pdf magazine accepting all manner of submissions.

[last two items courtesy NYWF list]

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Green Amber

My New Years Resolutions:

1. To be a better greenie – ie, empty the compost bucket more often, keep my wormies alive and tear the little plastic windows from the envelope before I throw them in the recycling.

2. To write more letters. Actually, *any* letters would be an improvement.

3. To get on a plane. Scary thought. Really scary thought but I haven’t made it on to one since 1999 so I reckon it’s time to conquer that particular neurosis.

4. Try not to bring home any more injured/sick pigeons – shall endeavour to look the other way. Is this a good thing? I don’t know…

5. Start a not-for-profit org! More on this later…

Comics-wise, this year I’m planning to do a comic for Knee Pockets #3. David Tang has written the story and has asked me to draw it… a pretty amazing scenario given I can’t actually draw but hey, I’m gonna give it a shot! Also I’m going to try to put out a mini-comic – after all these years of aspiring to fancy schmancy books and full colour compendiums I have decided that I need to return to my roots (so to speak) and do a little photocopied mini-comic that I’ll sell for a dollar or trade. Maybe it’ll be called Big Smoke 9 – maybe not. It’ll probably be full of boring baby stories that no-one wants to read. I’d also love to contribute to a couple of anthology type things so (silent army folks, others?) but I reckon no-one will ask me cause I’ve been so slack in the past. Go on, ask me, ple-ee-ase?

Amber Carvan – Bored Housewife

( for baby pics)

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