Meet the Pusciastovas

In Italy, women creators are contributing to a community comics metablog. They’re calling themselves ‘The Pusciastova’ . Courtesy Google Translator, how the idea started:

Today I woke up with an unhealthy head; create a virtual lounge for me and my friends…female designers.

In short, we are many, scattered throughout Italy, sometimes we feel alone and misunderstood.

Other times we frullano in mind genialate and have no one to help us give some practical sense, and leave in a drawer.

Instead we could really do great things with moral support and a fair bit of temerity!

So why not join forces rather than stay to make the mold between a table and the other?

[Riuniamoci dummy] to our table and start to deal with all seriousness that joyful female!

What? Pusciastova. Why? And what does it mean?

Well, everything is born of a conversation chatting with Kat, a designer, who spoke the names of our cats. ^ _ ^

I came to a “flash” of a great Russian family where women are the pivot and none of them alone, just like a real, functional, affectionate family structure.

In Russia the women’s surname ends “ova”, the pun was done.

The Pusciastova, the large family of matrioshka, mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends.

So, who wants to be part of the family Pusciastova? Unique requirements: to be women and artiste.

Here you will find space for your work and your words.

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lucky pages

lucky pages

lucky pages

lucky pages

Sample pages from a graphic novel pitch (‘Lucky’) by Jo Waite. Thanks Jo!

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Australian Comix Take Angouleme

Gregory MacKay writes:

Turkey Comix

Comics anthology Turkey Comix number 16 has won the prestigious Alternative Comics Prize at the Angouleme International Comics Festival.

The 222 page tome features the work of Danny Maltais, Christophe Hittinger, Gautier Ducatez and Gregory Mackay. Check it out at

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Puisque le public l’a exigé


Épisode # 1 : Ayez Une Grande Masturbation !

Ben et David inaugurent leur podcast (probablement continu).


En comportant une entrevue exclusive avec Stan Lee, parlez d’obtenir vos bandes dessinées dehors à une assistance, nouvelles au sujet de la façon dont les bandes dessinées envahissent le festival international de comédie de Melbourne et un certain nombre d’extraits vilains de ‘The Lord of the Rings”.

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Khmer Comics Online

“Take a touch of Bollywood, the inspirational lyrics of Sin Si Simut, and the classic themes of Khmer novels; mix according to taste, and you’ve got Cambodia’s first English language graphic novel – Flower of Battambang. Drama, romance and adventure, Cambodian style! Join us this week for the premiere episode!”

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Indonesian Mobile Phone Komiks

Indonesia is jumping into the Mobile Phone Komiks market, and Beng Rahadian of Akademi Samali obliges us with launch pictures (jam strips!) and a writeup.

Links: Akademi Samali, M-Komik

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Portland, Oregon, USA: David Chelsea has gone and uploaded “ID” – a new 24 hour comic – to his web page. We’ll be posting a page daily on the ‘Monster Blog Feed’ below for the next month. (Those who’d like to skip ahead and read the whole thing can view via his photo set – just scroll in reverse order.) Thanks David!

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Drawing Room

Exhibition “Drawing Room”
Opening- 6pm, 1 February 2008, Rubies Wine Bar
Corner of Streets 19 and 240, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Artists: Panca Evenblij, Sopheap Pich, Piteak, Ali Sanderson,
Kong Vollak and John Weeks.

Drawings may be representational, depicting objects, living beings, or scenes which the artist views, remembers, or imagines. They may be realistic to the point of lifelike resemblance (e.g. traditional portraits), architectural drawing or looser approximations of reality (e.g. sketches), and highly stylized (e.g. cartoons, caricatures), or abstract (e.g. automatic drawing, entoptic graphomania)……
…..and that’s what the show is.

For more info please email pancaevenblij [via] gmail [dot] com

Postscript: Review:

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‘Annus Mirabilis’

for Australian Comics, “which means not ‘wonderful bottom’ but ‘miraculous year‘” Bernard Caleo is quick to point out in his intro at the launch of Rooftops.

Hello folks,

if you missed the launch of ‘Rooftops’, Mandy Ord’s assured and
assuredly beautiful graphic novel (or ‘book comic’ as they are fast
becoming known) the good folks at Finlay Lloyd, the publishers, have
put up photos and the text of the launch speech here:
Chewie Logo

The book is available at ‘Brunswick Bound’, the very fine bookshop
where it was launched. 361 Sydney Road Brunswick. At $25, it is what
is known in the trade as ‘a steal’.
As I understand it, ‘Rooftops’

will become more widely available (comic book shops, book book shops)
in February.



Bernard Caleo
Cardigan Comics

(Props to Chewie for picture sharing!) More:

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Ben Likes to Share

Tintin et la Grande Poo Mysterie

Courtesy Ben Hutchings. Also check out his Blog for a new ‘Lesson Master‘!

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