Komikaze in the Floating World

On October’s First Thursday, Floating World will present a gallery show with the work of Igor Hofbauer, Dunja Janković, Aleksandar Opačić, and Radovan Popović, leading artists from comics collectives in Zagreb and Belgrade.

Forged in the social turmoil that accompanied the bloody dissolution of Yugoslavia in the nineties, indie comics and ‘zines (cheap to produce, ignored by the cultural and political establishment, and inherently subversive) became the refuge for underground artists across the region.

Today these collectives have come of age and the artists represented here are producing some of the most exciting work coming out of the fringe of Europe. This show is the first of its kind in the US. Floating World will also be offering books and ‘zines from the region that are otherwise unavailable in North America.

WHO: Igor Hofbauer, Dunja Janković (in person), Aleksandar Opačić, Radovan Popov
WHAT: Gallery show and opening reception
WHEN: Thursday, Oct.
2nd, 6-10PM
WHERE: Floating World Comics
20 NW 5th Ave 101
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 241-0227
Poster (above) by Radovan Popov
Show runs through Oct. 31st


IGOR HOFBAUER – Igor Hofbauer (Hof”) is one of the most recognizable artists working in the ex-Yu today. Living and working in Zagreb, Croatia, he developed his signature wood-cut-esque style and propensity for lurid, underworld stories as the graphic artist for Močvara, a famous Zagreb club. Concert posters turned into album covers and some winning illustrations for underground writer Edo Popović, and eventually Hof turned his eye to comics.
He’s regularly published by Komikaze (www. komikaze. hr) and Stripburger, and recently has had a slew of gallery shows across the Balkans.

http://www. gonebald. net/extrastuff/hof/igor_hofbauer. htm

http://www. komikaze. hr/index. php?issue=18&author=igor%20hofbauer&action=showPages

DUNJA JANKOVIĆ – Growing up on an island in the Adriatic, later attending the art academy in Zagreb and then moving to New York to do a graduate degree in illustration and comics at School of Visual Arts (where she worked with such folk as Gary Panter and David Sandlin), Janković’s comics are fantasies, equal parts breezy and horrific, flights of fancy, and a girl’s daydreams of the ocean and all the irrational flotsam to be found when once can escape the city’s grid. Recently she published Agony! The Story of a Girl Who Didn’t Know How to Find Her Way Out of a Situation! (published by Fabrika Knjiga, Belgrade). She also publishes regularly with Stripburger and Komikaze.

http://www. tripica. org

http://www. komikaze. hr/index. php?issue=18&author=dunja%20jankovic&action=showPages

ALEKSANDAR OPAČIĆ – Opačić (aka Profesor) completed his coursework in the painting department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1999. Although he had been a comics fan since boyhood, he didn’t start drawing his own comics until he finished with the academy and, eligible to be drafted into Milošević’s army, went into hiding to avoid the draft. Shortly thereafter, NATO bombs rained down on Serbia and Opačić found himself with a lot of free time for drawing. His work tends is often wordless, most often featuring lost or hunted characters in caught in gritty cities and surreal landscapes.
He is a member of the Belgrade multimedia collective, Kosmoplovci (www. crsn. com/studiostrip), has published extensively in Serbia as well as with Komikaze in Croatia, Stripburger in Slovenia, and Cestbon in Sweden.

http://www. crsn. com/opacic

http://www. komikaze. hr/index. php?issue=14&author=aleksandar%20opacic&action=showPages

RADOVAN POPOVIĆ – Radovan Popović (aka Rashid), the de facto leader of Kosmoplovci, has been at the center of the Serbian comics scene for over a decade working as a visionary editor, organizer of many comics festivals and events, a dedicated and talented artist, co-founder of Beopolis (the largest bookstore for alternative comics in Belgrade), and as a spokesman and all-around cheerleader for comics. Interestingly, though Popović had been one of the most prominent figures in the Serbian comics scene through the nineties, he didn’t begin seriously drawing his own comics till 1999. Since that time, however, he has drawn literally thousands of pages which spill out of boxes and shelves, reducing the floor in his bedroom/studio to one narrow path from door to drawing table. His work tends in two directions: spontaneous, playful and short comics, often well steeped in irony, and dark, psychological, expressive, laborintensive longer works which often combine drawing with painting and collage. Most recently, Popović published Šaka (The Hand, 2007) based on the Philip K. Dick short story “The Electric Ant.

http://www. komikaze. hr/index. php?issue=14&author=radovan%20popovic&action=showPages

Komikaze’s website: http://www. komikaze. hr/

Komikaze English introduction page: http://www. komikaze. hr/wiki/pmwiki. php?n=Komikaze. English

Studiostrip/Kosmoplovci: http://www. crsn. com/studiostrip

Additional info:

Yugoslav independent comics didn’t register on the radar of readers in the West till the nineties when some little comics (most notably those of Aleksandar Zograf), clinging to the underbelly of the Big Serious News stampeding out of the region, found their way into Western publications. Individuals were speaking out from thesedangerous places,” recording their own stories, exploring the dirty corners of dark times, and reinventing comics in a time and place when everything was turned on its head. These comics spoke to a generation for whom day-to-day life was probing new depths of absurdity as inflation rendered currency valueless, communists became rosary-toting folk heroes, war criminals became pop stars, dictionaries were rewritten, borders were redrawn and cemeteries sprouted up like mushrooms. Furthermore, they did so in an accessible, unprepossessing (and often underestimated) medium perfectly suited for conveying the voice of the counter culture. As the nineties dragged on, more and more inspired individuals flocked to the comics scene to vent, find community, and, it turns out, create some of the most vital, dynamic, intelligent and engaging comics appearing anywhere in the world. In a Darwinian twist, isolation and adversity brought the oddballs and outsiders to the top of the heap and by the end of the nineties, underground artists had a strong edge over the mainstream.

Now it’s a brave new century, the dictators have been toppled, the curtains lifted, and the independent comics artists from Serbia and Croatia find themselves a little more ripened, yet still armed with a practiced distrust and cynicism, humor (of the gallows sort), and an abiding sense of community. In this future of “bright tomorrows,” they’re up against more insidious beasts than dictators and bombs: “transitional economies” (which usually means losing your social benefits while rich foreigners buy up your property). The artists in this show represent the cutting edge of the Croatian and Serbian comics scenes. They’ve cut their teeth in isolation and adversity and set up a working culture that exists outside of the market and transcends borders. With the help of the internet, these artists from their perch on the periphery have begun to infuse the world comics community with their energy and innovative approaches to comics. This is the first show to bring this work to audiences in the US.

Interview with Dunja Janković – Stripburger 46 (Oct. 2007):

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‘Ugly Drunk and Stupid’ Exhibition

Ugly Drunk & Stupid

Hello folks,

a couple of exhibitions featuring comics and comic related events as part of
the Melbourne Fringe Festival:

‘Ugly Drunk and Stupid’ is an exhibition of grotesques by Melbourne comic
book makers, plus comic strip stories featuring those characters. Curated by
Jo Waite. At the Town Hall Gallery at the Hawthorn Town Hall.

The opening is this Thursday, 2 October, 6 -9pm. On Saturday arvo, 4
October at 2pm I’ll do a bit of a talk about the ‘Ugly’ tradition in comic
book art, taking in such beauties as Basil Wolverton, Peter Bagge and Ralph
Steadman. Then at 3pm there will be an Ugly Draw-off as cartoonists draw
the ugliest faces they can!
Hoo hah! Potrzebie!

Ugly, Drunk & Stupid
Grotesque characters by Melbourne’s best comic book makers.

This year Bernard Caleo and Jo Waite gather the silent army once again
to bring their pens to bear upon the ugly, the drunk and the stupid
(more often than not themselves) for your drooling delectation.

First to fifrth of October 2008
Opening Thursday 2 October 6-9pm
Saturday 4 October programs
2-3pm: Ugly talk
3-4pm: Ugly Draw-off!

Melbourne Fringe Festival
Cardigan Comics

The Town Hall Gallery
Rear, 358 Burwood Road, Hawthorn, 3122
Ph: (03) 9278 4626
Melway ref 45 D10
Open: We-Sat: 12pm-5pm
Sunday: 10am-3pm
Blog: www.townhallgallery.blogspot.com

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Comic Competition: Child Rights

Win a Prize — Draw a Comic!

If you’d made comics before — win 500€!
If you’d never drawn comics before — compete in the 6th Festival of
the First together with everyone else who is using a medium for the
first time — and win 1000€!

The topic for comics is: the media and the rights of the child.

For your inspiration: don’t get confused. Rights are not only for
lawyers. There is a variety of topics here, for example: the right to
play and have friends, family, live in peace, go to school, be safe
and healthy. According to the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child, the state should protect children not only from the sun,
cigarette smoke and candies, but primarily from all forms of violence.
An Internet and TV suitable for children should mean more than just
showing Teletubbies. Just think of all the babies whose images were
used in commercials without anyone asking them what they want (the
right to privacy). Every child has the right to say what he or she
thinks — and not only when asked!

More details can be found at:

Deadline for the competition is: November 15, 2008.

All comics, regardless when they arrive, will be published on the
Komikaze website. We also plan a book issue.

Who can apply for the First Comic category? People over 18 who had
never published their work before (Google sees all and knows all!).
Sending a CV is ok.
More details at: http://www.studio-artless.hr

The jury consists of 5 people who will remain anonymous so you don’t
influence them:)

Send your comics in .tif format, 300 dpi. High quality scans can be
sent to komikaze5001@gmail.com or you can use the free file sharing
service at www.sendspace.com .

Snail mail: Komikaze, Skrlceva 29 – 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


Organized by: Komikaze & Studio Artless





Ako ste i prije crtali/e stripove – osvojite nagradu od 500 eu!

Ako nikada niste crtali/objavili strip – imate mogucnost natjecanja na

„6. Festivalu Prvih”, ravnopravno sa svima ostalima koji/e se po prvi put okusavaju u

bilo kojem vama novom mediju i – osvojite 1000 eu!

Tema stripa je zadana: mediji i prava djeteta

Za inspiraciju: Ne dajte se zbuniti. Pravom se ne bave samo pravnici. Od bezbroj mogucih tema podsjecamo na: pravo na igru i prijatelje, obitelj, mir, skolu, sigurnost i zdravlje. Po konvenciji UN o pravima djeteta usvojenoj 1989. drzava je duzna zastiti djecu ne samo od sunca, cigareta i slatkisa nego prvenstveno od svih oblika nasilja. Televizija i intenet prilagodjen djeci ne bi trebalo znaciti samo ukljucivanje Teletubbiesa na programu. Sjetite se napr. brojnih fotografija novorodjencadi koje su postale hit reklama a da ih se nije pitalo za misljenje (pravo na privatnost). Svako dijete ima pravo reci sto misli i to ne samo onda kad ga pitaju!

Detaljnije na adresi: http://www.dadalos.org/kr/Menschenrechte/Grundkurs_MR3/Kinderrechte/KINDERRE.HTM

Deadline za nagradni natjecaj je 15.11. 2008.
Svi pristigli radovi (neovisno o vremenu dolaska) biti ce objavljeni na Komikaze stranicama. U planu je i tiskano izdanje!
Za kategoriju Prvog Stripa racunaju se punoljetnici– debitanti tj oni koji nisu javno nikada javno objavili svoj rad (Google sve vidi i zna:). CV pozeljan.
Detaljnije na adresi: http://www.studio-artless.hr

Ziri je sastavljen od 5 clanova cija imena necemo jos objavljivati da ne utjecete na njih:)
Strip saljite u tif formatu na 300 dpi-ja. Mail za kvalitetne skenove je: komikaze5001@gmail.com ili se mozete posluziti besplatnim servisom
za slanje „teskih” mailova: www.sendspace.com .

Fizicka adresa je: Komikaze, Skrlceva 29 – 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska


Organizatori: Komikaze i Studio Artless



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12 comics that have blown my mind (umm 13 actually)

[Courtesy AW Comix]


I am going to forewarn you that I will be using the words blown away mind blowing and taken aback, a lot. I compiled this list on those factors. There are many comics that I have read and loved and enjoyed over the years but I have tried to come up with the real turning point eye opening ones that have ‘Blown me away’ and left me humbled. The list is in no particular order.

‘Grande vampire’ by Joann Sfar.
I originally saw this in Montreal in French, I cannot read French but I bought it anyway. Years later I bought the ‘first second’ collection. The French one is almost better as it is a larger. But the ‘first second’ is complete and in English. Sfars art work has this lovely sketchy but brilliantly drafted feel to it, like he drew it in his sleep with ease. The characters seem childish but have funny little adult quirks and complications. You could just keep reading this kind of comic for a long time hoping that it will not end.

‘New York diary’ by Julie Doucet.
I had this given to me and it really took me aback. I love the diary style and the frankness of the story. I love how she draws peoples heads bigger than normal and usues a wide variety of shading styles. It’s such a shame to me that she has given up comics, I really hope that one day she can come back to comics in a way that she feels comfortable doing them, as it would be such a waist of talent if she did not.

‘Snoid comics’ by R.Crumb.
Not the first crumb that I picked up but still a great example of his work. Crumb really blew my mind when I discovered him through the documentary. It really inspired me to draw more and create unique comics. I initially found it hard to get out from under his shadow and I’m occasionally reminded of that when people say, “I can see you’re influenced by crumb”

‘David Cote was good and bad’ & ‘Brat X’ (colliers) by David Collier.

I almost did not pick up this issue of Colliers, I had never heard of the artist or book. But there was a photo inside the cover that had been taken in Canada so I gave it a shot. Reading this comic blew me away. Collier fits so much information both intellectual and emotional into his comics. This comic and Brat X were both wonderfully drawn and written tributes to lost friends. I later picked up ‘Hamilton Sketchbook’ as it was on sale and was really surprised at how simple sketchbook drawing could tell and capture a narrative. This was a big inspiration to start my sketchbook zine 7 pages. Collier is such an underrated cartoonist, in my mind he is one of the finest writers in comics today.

‘Shrimpy and Paul’ by Marc Bell.
A friend actually sent me a clipping of a Marc Bell comic from a Vancouver newspaper. Immediately the art just took me aback. Even though you can see the influences from other artists (like Crumb for instance) his work still seems original and extremely well drawn and conceived. Reading this collection of Shrimpy and Paul just seemed like drinking honey straight from a hive, how could this guy be so good I wondered (and still do) I really hope to see more collections of comic work from Marc in the near future.

Icehaven (Eightball #22)& Deathray (Eightball #23)

I have always been a big Clowes fan and have followed his work from early Eightball days. He is one of a few artists who I would buy his work no questions asked.
His Eightball stories Icehaven and Death Ray just blew me away in how they told stories and how well they were conceived. I love how they are fragmented and even drawn in different styles in parts but still work as a whole. To me I find it hard to imagine how comics could be any better than this. In years to come when all the hype of the ‘Graphic novel’ has settled people will look back and these two comics will be like beacons of pure unflinching light.

‘Wimbledon green’ by Seth.
Also not the first Seth work that I have read but I just really loved this book. Seth is overly self deprecating about its quality saying they are only ‘Sketchbook comics’ but I think that if he can do material this good in his sketchbook then he should do more. Once again I like the fragmented nature of the book, it really exemplifies the versatility of the comics medium.

‘Choas mission’ by Peter Lorenz.
This was a recent find in the Winnipeg public library. It did not even look all that interesting at first but I thought I would give it a try. The first few pages were hard to follow but as the story went on I enjoyed it more and more. Lorenz has that same quality as Joann Sfar a loose sketchy spontaneous feel to his drawing and writing. I loved how some of the characters in the story were skeletons of wizards. It is something I would like to try in some future stories. He was the winner of a Doug Wright award for best emerging talent in 2006, which must have been bitter sweet for him as he has been making comics since the early 90’s it seems.

Steve Ditko spidermen
Not sure what the first Ditko Spider Man that I saw but for some reason his art has this lovely naive quality to it. I also love the 6 panel grid that they used in these early Spider Man comics and the whacky misaligned screen dot colouring.

‘Peep show’ diary collection by Joe Matt

I first read a friends copy of this book and really liked Joe Matt’s every day observations and humour. I also liked his clean and economic artwork. His work is definitely a big influence on me wanting to make autobiographical comics.

‘Kiss Memory’ by Tim Danko
I nearly foolishly did not buy this book/zine/comic/artists book as it cost more than any zine I had ever seen ($7) and it was quiet small. Later the store called me about some money they owed me (from selling my comics) and I asked if I could use it to buy the book, as I had kept thinking about it after my initial pass. Thank goodness I did pick it up as it has to be one of my all time favourite artist books/hand made zines that I own. I often pick it up and marvel at its beauty. The words inside are like brilliant poetry that keep echoing through your mind after you have read it. Apparently there were other issues in this series and that fact that I haven’t seen them or don’t own them haunt me.

‘King cat comics’ (free book with Mcsweenys) By John Porcelino.

I think this was my first introduction to John P’s king cat comics. I loved the simplicity of the drawings and references to zen and nature the world universe etc. Also something about the tiny format of this zine really suits John’s work.

‘Against Pain’ (free book with Mcsweenys) by Ron Rege.
I had read other Ron Rege work but none grabbed me as much as this free little comic about a girl who decides to become a suicide bomber but chickens out at the last minute and later gets arrested. The panel designs and artwork are just mind blowing. I love how the art looks like something made in illustrator with vectors but obviously is not as it has a beautiful line quality.

(These are just major points in my reading, there is so much stuff I had to leave out like all the fantastic Australian comicers and other alterative artists)

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100 Members / 24 Hours

24 hour Comics Day – October 18th!

France. Indonesia. Canada. Brazil. Greece. New Zealand. Italy. England. Australia. USA. Germany. India. Malaysia. And many more — Having passed the 100 member mark, we invite all Comics Lifestyle members to join 2008’s 24 Hour Comic Session! (Thanks for the suggestion Miromi!)

More events are in store as we approach Comics Lifestyle’s Five Year Anniversary – December 2008.

Comics Lifestyle Members

Comics Lifestyle Members

Comics Lifestyle Members

Comics Lifestyle Members

Comics Lifestyle Members

Comics Lifestyle Members

Comics Lifestyle Members
Comics Lifestyle Members
Comics Lifestyle Members
Comics Lifestyle Members

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Bambang Toko Does Darwin

Australia: Indonesian Artist Bambang Toko is in Darwin for a residency, come by his opening this Friday!

September 17 – October 4, 2008
Opening 6pm Friday September 19 2008
Darwin Experimental Art Foundation Space
Darwin Visual Art Association
56 Wood Street, Darwin

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Find Jesus (and more) On-Line

David Chelsea has launched his new site – and in keeping with the tenor of the times, has uploaded a topical 24-hour comic strip to ComicLifestyle. Cheers!

David Chelsea web site


A 24-Hour Comic, 2005

“Jesusland was drawn in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 election, when Democrats were in shock and awe at how thoroughly John Kerry had been routed by the Republicans working off of Karl Rove’s playbook. Particularly shocking to me was how Protestant Evangelicals and The Catholic Church, which had always been historic enemies, now had teamed up to defeat a Catholic candidate. This fantasy about a battle to establish a state religion was my way of getting those two groups at each other’s throats again. Also it gave me a chance to draw President Bush as a rabbit.”

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STRASBULLES – Comics Festival in Strasbourg, France Edit


Hello with all, friends of Institut Pacôme,
Strasbourg inaugurates its first festival of comics/cartoon
(if one does not take into account the desktop publishing meetings which we have organized under the name of St PACÔME for now 5 years).

This festival is called STRASBULLES, and the site which is dedicated to it also presents the programme: http://www.strasbulles.fr

Having affirmed a modern festival would speak about all the spectrums of the comics, we proposed – Institut Pacôme , the Collective Troglodyte, and the Collectif des Amoureux, all three of Strasbourg, to organize a self-publishing space worthy of this name.


For that, we invited the LE NOUVEAU JOURNAL DE JUDITH ET MARINETTE like MISMA, structures of desktop publishing respectively of Rennes and Toulouse, to present a small panel of what is the state of current self-publishing, a sector in full effervescence since a few years.

A common Exposition entitled SECRETS OF THE LABORATORY will give a picturesque vision of the design (in all the directions of the term) that the artists of self-publishing are done of comics. Coloured Expo, accompanied by the realization into continuous Gazette of the Festival, photocopied in black and white, in the tradition of alternative editions.

On Thursday 18 starting from 19:15, to the LIBRAIRIE QUAI DES BRUMES (BOOKSHOP QUAY OF the FOGS), 120 Main street, the authors of the self-publishing will present their process and productions.

Included will be: Benjamin Adam, Daniel Blancou, Élisa Gehin, El gift Guillermo, Sebastien Lumineau, Ariane Pinel, Tofépi, trap and Sylvain-Moizie, officiating in the various collectives present. Freddy Nadolny Poustochkine [also?]

On Friday 19 starting from 13:00, Trade Union Room, a creative performance will propose to the authors to divert a page of the special guest of the festival to make three original pages of them. Diversions, joinings, pullings up, gribouillages, cutting or radical creation, all will be possible for the authors! The produced pages will be shared on the site thereafter.

In short, many things! Authors of the self-publishing having published in structures at national scale will dedicate their works on the stand of the associated booksellers entitled “Counter of Indépendants”.

Regarding the innovations to present for the occasion, Institut Pacôme GO:
One year under the sign of l’ exploration of new shores: Comix d’ Authors and creative review!

L’ will be noted; accumulation again title of the collection Clitopile Pruineux, dedicated to the

” Comix d’ Auteur”, in particular:

– > FORMOL n°1 and n°2, of Simon Hureau

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

(see excellent FORMOL criticism on the Du9 site)
Note that S. Hureau will not be present at the festival

->GESUNDHEIT n°1, de Jonvon Nias
Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

J. Nias will not be present at the festival.

->LES 24H OF… n°1, de Sylvain-Moizie et n°2, de Jonvon Nias

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

– > ULTRA VIOLET n°1, n°2, n°3, n°4, n°5, of Sylvain-Moizie and a different scenario writer each time.

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

— Number 2 of OCTOPUS MULTIPOTENT, The REVIEW YOUTH ÉCOLO/BRICOLO PROHIBITED WITH LESS THAN 10 YEARS should also be born for this weekend! (if all is well!) The site dedicated to OCTOPUS: (to have an outline). The cover of number 1:

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

ARIANE Pinel and d’ other participants in Octopus will be present at the time of the weekend of the festival. COME ONE, COME ALL!

L’ Illustrate Professor Pacôme, of the Institute of the same name


P.S. And also we are told; Alex Baladi will be also present for Strasbulles.
He will signing at the BRACKET (85 route de La Wantzenau in Strasbourg)
Friday 19 of 15:00 to 17:00
and also at the bookshop; USE OF the WORLD (40 route d’ Oberhausbergen in Strasbourg) on Friday 19 of 17:30 to 19:00

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Word To Your Motherboard

Courtesy Shakeson Mo

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Komikaze: Virtual Summer

Hallohallo, how are you, what’s up?
…the summer is gone and virtual life start again:) here are some drawings and photos done this komikaze summer: * FOTOREPORT OF EXHIBITION AND WORKSHOP IN IMOTSKI: http://www.komikaze.hr/wiki/Dogana + YUMA WEBZIN: http://www.komikaze.hr/wiki/JAM-PAGE21
* little fotoreport from exhibition in Dalmacijaland/ Hvar:
* hospital webzin:

Komikaze CORE


Halohalo, kako je, sto ima?
…ljeto je proslo zivahno a virtualni zivot ide dalje:)
nu, evo i lijepih crteza te fotografija diljem lijepe nase:

* FOTOREPORT S IZLOZBE I RADIONICE U IMOTSKOM: http://www.komikaze.hr/wiki/Dogana
+ YUMA WEBZIN: http://www.komikaze.hr/wiki/JAM-PAGE21
* mali fotoreport s izlozbe u Dalmacijalandu/ Hvar: http://www.komikaze.hr/wiki/Jelsa2008
* stacionarski webzin: http://www.komikaze.hr/wiki/JAM-PAGE22

Puno pozdrava i do najskorijeg vidjenja!


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