“Fragment” – an unfinished pitch

[Ben Hutchings, Australia:] A while back, before I had two rockin’ regular comic jobs I was playing around with a couple of ideas. This is a page from an unfinished pitch for a teenage boy’s magazine. It doesn’t really show that the strip is a sci-fi action chase story, but it is nicely drawn I think!I was so excited about this, as it’s an idea I came up with in college 17 years ago, and it reflects the exact comic attitude and imagination I had at that age.

I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome this comic would be. My vision of the future is the best. Not a computer or holographic user interface in sight – just Australia as it is, but exaggerated by 250%, and with heavily armed postal vans, bus chases, destruction and flying eye-ball ships manned by renegade freak convicts from the moons of Jupiter. Maybe after Stinky 10 I will turn my attention to this. I really have to restrain myself from going on and on about it, and telling you why it’s so awesome. Why won’t you believe me.

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Festival STRASBULLES 2009

[From INSTITUT PACÔME:] Bonjour à tous,

affiche_accueil Strasbulles

STRASBULLES 2009, le festival européen de la bande dessinée deuxième édition a ouvert ses portes lundi 22 juin. Durant toute la semaine, des rencontres en librairies, des expositions, des performances, des dédicaces sont au programme.
Détail du programme sur http://strasbulles.fr/index.php?section=Programme

Cette année, le parrain du festival est Émile BRAVO, auteur de “LES ÉPATANTES AVENTURES DE JULES”, de SPIROU, LE JOURNAL D’UN INGÉNU”, de “LES SEPT OURS NAINS”, et tant d’autres choses. La particularité de cet auteur est d’officier dans une bande dessinée qui se veut grand public, sans oublier de rester intelligente. Un véritable travail d’auteur qui représente bien l’objectif de notre tout jeune festival.
Quelques infos sur Émile Bravo http://strasbulles.fr/index.php?section=Parrain

Ce festival se veut un carrefour de toutes les Bandes Dessinées, Micro-Édition et Fanzine compris, ouvert sur la bande dessinée européenne. Un coup d’œil sur l’ensemble des auteurs présents au festival permet d’appréhender l’étendue de la bande dessinée actuelle (http://strasbulles.fr/index.php?section=Auteurs).
Pour la première édition, l’espace Micro-Édition proposait au public de découvrir cette face trop souvent ignorée de la création en bande dessinée contemporaine. L’espace était riche de 5 stands. En effet, les collectifs strasbourgeois organisateur de l’espace, à savoir LE COLLECTIF TROGLODYTE http://www.numo.fr et L’INSTITUT PACÔME accueillaient également MISMA, collectif toulousain, LES TAUPES DE L’ESPACE, rennais, et les collectifs Strasbourgeois.
Pour cette édition, l’espace Micro-Édition s’en trouve fort grandi. Car en plus de l’Institut Pacôme, Misma et Les Taupes de L’Espace, seront présents :
HABEAS CORPUS, de Belgique
-Ainsi que les collectifs strasbourgeois, dont ICINORI .
3 d’entre eux proposent des expositions :
-STRAPAZIN, une exposition rétrospective sur leur incroyable longévité.
-ICINORI, sur leur travail tout en sérigraphie et en finesse.
-HOOCHIE COOCHIE, une exposition mettant à l’honneur les “upside-down” de Gustav Verbeek, bande dessinée se lisant deux fois, une fois normalement, et une fois en retournant la planche le tête en bas.
Bref, Strasbulles se positionne bel et bien comme un festival mettant en avant la bande dessinée créative.
Infos espace Micro-Édition

L’espace Micro-Édition a initié l’an dernier LA GAZETTE DU FESTIVAL, qui pour des raisons techniques n’a pas pu voir le jour. cette année, celle-ci reprend du poil de la bête en proposant une gazette réalisée, reproduite et diffusée sur place, dans la bonne tradition du fanzinat. Au menu : Interview, dessins originaux, et bien des surprises.

-Jeudi, de 15h à 18h, Sketchcrawl. Parcours-croquis dans la ville de Strasbourg. Tout le monde est le bienvenu. Départ au guichet d’accueil STRASBULLES à la gare de Strasbourg.
-Vendredi, de 13h à 18h, Performance Créative. Les auteurs participants réaliseront en quelques heures une oeuvre originale de 2 ou 3 planches à partir d’un élément scénaristique ou graphique choisi en toute liberté dans une planche de l’œuvre d’EMILE BRAVO, parrain de STRASBULLES. Le ton et le style graphique restent au choix de chaque participant. Accès libre au public à partir de 15h00. Lieu : Médiathèque A. Malraux, 1, Presqu’île André Malraux, 67076 Strasbourg.

CONCENTRÉ sur le week-end du 27 et 28 juin, les rencontres avec les auteurs se feront de manière conviviales. Lors du salon, venez faire un tour à l’espace enfant, adulte, détente, sans oublier les nombreuses expositions dans l’ensemble de la ville. N’oublions pas également l’espace Comics et l’espace Bouquiniste. On peut aussi se restaurer sur place, ce qui est bien pratique en cas de défaillance hypoglycémique !

Toutes les informations sur http://strasbulles.fr/
Venez nombreux.


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Carousel Slideshow: Gabrielle Bell, Michael Kupperman, Robert Sikoryak

Robert Sikoryak: We’re playing with two awesome bands and Carousel, a multimedia cartoonists performance group. i know, i don’t really understand it either, but it sounds amazing.

The Walking Hellos @ Union Pool 6/24
with Pretendo (ex-/present Enon, Skeleton Key, Mono Puff, Morricone Youth) Gold Streets, and Carousel (live cartoon performance art featuring Gabrielle Bell (Cecil and Jordan); Michael Kupperman (Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim); R. Sikoryak (Masterpiece Comics))

Wednesday, June 24, 8pm
Union Pool – Union Ave corner Meeker Ave
Subway: L Train (Lorimer St.) / G Train (Metropolitan Ave.)
cover: $8

Pretendo http://myspace.com/pretendo – 8pm
The Walking Hellos http://myspace.com/walkinghellos – 9pm
Gold Streets http://myspace.com/goldstreets – 10pm
Carousel (emceeing between sets)

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The Precinct: now with *more* explosions & nudity

Just to let all Precinct officers know: the Precinct blog is actually being regularly updated at the moment with partially on-topic posts about the development of the Precinct animated series. Also some ranting, silly Photoshopping and drawings of various TV characters as squat cylinders.


I recently rejigged our pilot animation, adding more explosions and a bare arse.


Plus, our lead character, Sgt Ackersley, is now Twittering.


I can’t guarantee he’ll do it for long, as he’s slightly technophobic and prefers spending his time punching sheets of corrugated iron and warming camel jerky over a bar heater.

David Blumenstein
(angry lieutenant)
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English Translations – Comickaze Cambodia

Kong Monirath

Moeu Diyadaravuth

(Comic referenced is here: http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=3113

Tuy Chanthoeurn

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Akademi Samali – Jakartun

Akademi Samali - Jakartun

Monday, June 8, 2009 – Thursday, June 18, 2009
Location: Lobby Citywalk Sudirman
Street: Jl H Mas Mansyur, Karet
City/Town: Jakarta, Indonesia

Phone: 08881557811
Email: akademisamali@yahoo.com

Dear All,

Jika sedang ada kesempatan berjalan-jalan di Citywalk Sudirman, Karet – Jakarta, silahkan istirahat sejenak untuk melihat kota Jakarta dalam gambar kartun, yang bukan hanya dibuat dari sudut pandang kartunis profesional seperti Jitet Koestana atau Thomdean, namun juga dari sudut pandang ibu rumah tangga, karyawan, dosen, anak-anak 12 tahun, mahasiswa dan berbagai macam profesi serta usia lainnya.

Sastrawan Radhar Panca Dahana dan Budayawan Eros Djarot, turut memilih karya yang mereka sukai dari total 80 karya yang terkumpul menjadi 39 karya (sisanya ditampilkan pada giant screen dengan cara looping). Jika anda berkesempatan hadir, lihat di label karya tanda (R) untuk Radhar dan tanda (E) untuk Eros Djarot, jika ada tanda contreng pada huruf itu, maka itu adalah kartun yang mereka sukai.

08-18 Juni 2009
Citywalk Sudirman
Jl Hj Mas Mansyur, Karet – Jakarta Pusat


Selamat berapresiasi..


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Comickaze Cambodia is GO

Live Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/comickazecambodia

Comickaze Cambodia
Tuy Chanthoeurn

Chat: http;//twitter.com/comicslifestyle

Comickaze Cambodia

Press release is on the blog: http://blog.comicslifestyle.com

Comickaze Cambodia
Peou Ty

Australian participants are at: http://tinyurl.com/qkflgq

Introduce Yourself: Tek Tevin
Tek Tevin

Cambodia raw scans and pix at http://www.flickr.com/photos/comicslifestyle

Comickaze Cambodia
Kong Monirath

More: http://www.comicslifestyle.com/group/comikaze2009

ComicKaze Cambodia
John Weeks

Stick us with a fork we’re done.

Moeu Diyadaravuth
Moeu Diyadaravuth

Cambodian comic book challenge – Phnom Penh Post

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ComicKaze Cambodia Press Release

Every Queen’s Birthday Weekend (6th – 8th of June), Australia’s brave cartoonists undertake ‘ComicKaze’ – an endeavor to draw 24 pages in 24 hours. http://www.ozcomics24.com

This Saturday, Cambodian comic artists will be lending creative support to their Aussie friends via a live web link from 8am to 8pm. Sunday morning will see new artwork posted from this Cambodian – Australian collaboration!

Art supplies and local technical support will be provided by Our Books, Cambodia’s comic art nonprofit, and web linkage will be hosted by ComicsLifestyle.com with the help of Café Living Room.

The 24 Hour Comic is a ‘free drawing’ session designed to unlock creativity. Our Books has been developing Project:24 to gradually introduce Cambodian artists to this unique exercise and the global comics community.

Artists are welcome to attempt the full 24 hours. Since this is a big task, we are offering a ‘Cambodian Variation’: a one page in one hour ‘Introduce Yourself’ comic, so Australian and Cambodian artists can get to know each other.

Soeung Makara: 12 Noon

We will have a scanner on hand for sharing comics and jam strips. Final efforts will be displayed at Café Living Room this coming month, and compiled into a small publication for Australia’s National Young Writer’s Festival.

Come by and see artists in action! Lend your enthusiasm to comic artists going the distance! Come by, log in and see them live, or check out the final art as we post it up on Sunday!

Event Time: 8am – 8pm Saturday June 6 2009.
Live Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/comickazecambodia
Event Location: Living Room Café
#9, Street 306, Boeng Keng Kang 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

+855 (0)12 526 840 (John, Our Books)
+855 (0)92 948 005 (Rhianna, Café Living Room)
+855 (0)23 726 139 (Café Living Room)


Press Release cross-posted at:

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ComicKaze: Cambodian Variation

Testing out a video chat room for this weekend. (If you can’t see it, you don’t have flash enabled.) http://www.ozcomics24.com

Thanks to Komala for organizing things on her side of the pond!

As per last October’s Global Drawing Day, we will be inviting Cambodian cartoonists to congregate at Living Room Cafe in Phnom Penh to produce artwork: one artist – one page – one hour. The theme? Introduce yourself. If we can get a ‘hello’ from Australian artists, we’ve got enough for a zine. Also game for jam strips.


More details to come!

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Much stuff is afoot in June!

[info]fluffyduck in [info]_hayase

Comikaze 09

First order of business: it’s almost time for Comikaze24, where a bunch of us attempt to draw a 24-page comic in as many hours! Festivities are over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, so it’s time to start figuring out where you’ll be working on those pages!

Zine Workshops, click for a PDF!

If you live in Blacktown and are between the ages of 15 and 24, perhaps you would be interested in the upcoming zine workshop series at the Blacktown Arts Centre! Said workshops are being taught by zine master/baron Leigh Rigozzi, so you know they’re gonna be good. The workshops run on three Saturdays, starting from June 6, from 11am to 1pm. They’re free but you will need to sign up for the full program by calling Kate on 9839 6385.

Other bits: our next meetup is on the 13th of June at the Mars Hill Cafe and Supanova Sydney is from the 26th to the 28th of June. Crazy things are happening at Creative Sydney in the next couple of weeks. If you aren’t a member of Comics Lifestyle or We Make Zines yet, you should go take a look!

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