Category Archives: Uncategorized

B/W Session- Anthology Launch & Exhibition, Paris

COMING SOON !!!————————————–B/W SESSION > exposition du 9 au 26 avril 2008300 dessins en noir et blanc par les résidents du Grand Hôtel Orbis————————————–> vernissage le mardi 8 avril 2008 de 16h à 21h> espace beaurepaire – 28 rue beaurepaire … Continue reading

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Talk at the National Library of Scotland

Talk at the National Library of ScotlandBody: A reminder of our talk next week, for those who can attend: Talk/Panel Session: ‘In conversation with metaphrog‘. Chaired by Lisa Otty, Graduate School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh. When: … Continue reading

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(Re)géné Rations Cambodge

Time Asia profiles Séra and his ongoing anthology project, (Re)géné Rations: The New Khmer Graphic Novel. (Due in June!),9171,1729550,00.html Postscript: online comics press takes note – Tags: comics

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Read the first installment to my new story Tags: comics

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The Kindness of Strangers: Onesock the Love Sick Devil #6

Page One. Page TwoPage Three Page Four Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 (End).Tags: comics

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Too Much Coffee Man – The Opera!

Opens April 4 in Portland, Oregon, USA!More details @ http://www.tmcm.comphoto (c)ourtesy Shannon Wheeler Tags: comics

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Comic Book Funny 2: Electric Boogaloo

[From David Blumenstein] Hi, Week 2 of Comic Book Funny was really well attended, so thanks very very much to all who dropped by. Ben, Glenn and Ross had a good time and hopefully you did too. But this … Continue reading

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Institut Pacome: Hostile Takover?

Hello, Since January first, 2008, a hostile tender offer is launched on Institut Pacôme . The whole of the team tries since to be contained, and hopes well to leave victorious this combat, thanks in particular to the tenacity of … Continue reading

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24 Hour Drawpocalypse

24 Hours to Save the World: David Chelsea of Portland, Oregon rips a page from the Jack Bauer playbook to save the universe by drawing a 24 page comic book in 24 hours. April 5thCosmic Monkey Comics5335 NE Sandy Blvd.Portland, … Continue reading

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Lady Bugs

Jo Waite has webbed up a series of illustrations in the gallery – as has Casey Bug Creations! (Some kind of theme happening here?) Check them both out! Tags: comics

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