Post-Drawpocalypse 2009: Art, Interview

Drawpocalypse Postmortem

The Spring 2009 Drawpocalypse is now history, and I’m catching up on my sleep. As people following this blog are well aware, l decided to make my own 24 hour comic a benefit for ailing comix legend S. Clay Wilson’s medical expenses, and six other artists at the event decided to join me: Kevin Cross, Joshua Kemble, Mike Getsiv, Tony Morgan, Josh Fitz and Ben Sarnoff. I’m still toting up my own pledges, but I think it’s somewhere in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars. For those who are interested in pledging, it’s not too late: I produced 24 pages on the nose, so pledges can be some multiple of that, like, say, $240, $480, $2400… All checks should be made out to to the S. Clay Wilson Special Needs Trust and sent to PO Box 14854 San Francisco CA 94114, or you can visit their site: In response to numerous requests they now have a Paypal account to take contributions online. Not tax deductible, but you do get a signed minicomic of the story I drew, which l have no plans to make available in any other way.

The event, as usual, went by in a busy, sociable blur, with so much fascinating chatter about such geeky topics as the films of George Kuchar and continuity problems in the DC Universe that l barely listened to the dozen CD’s I brought. There were about twenty people there, nearly all of them lasted the night, and I’d say about half produced the requisite 24 pages. Not all of them were working for Wilson- most seemed to be doing it to have new material to sell at the upcoming Stumptown Con. My friend Tom Lechner has some photos posted:

My latest 24 hour effort- #11 for those keeping count- is called “The Girl With The Keyhole Eyes”. It’s a series of reminiscences about various women I’ve known (mostly NOT old girlfriends), mixing real stories with outright fabrications in the manner of a game l have played called “Two Truths And A Lie”. It ends with a real groaner of a pun. I’ve posted the first three pages on Comics Lifestyle:

Thanks to Andy and Adam and all the staff at Cosmic Monkey for once more being the perfect hosts. Thanks also to Ken O’Connell of Copic Marker for providing art materials for the event. Except for blue pencils, my story was drawn entirely on their paper using their brushes, pens and markers.

I Get Pixels

More words slung around about S.Clay Wilson, 24 hour comics and keyhole eyes in this interview at Michael Aushenker’s site, Cartoon Flophouse.

by David Chelsea — April 13, 2009 @ 1:04 pm
Tags: comics

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