TANGO #8: Love and Food

Cardigan Comics is very happy to announce that we are officially open to receive submissions for the eighth issue of TANGO, the giant Australian romance comics anthology.

The mission of the TANGO project is to publish short comic book stories by both experienced and emerging comic book makers, so whether you are a first timer with a burning desire to tell a comic strip tale, or one of the growing number of comic book professionals in Australia, we welcome your submission.

This issue the theme is ‘Love and Food’ (Tango8 = Tango ate!) and we ask you to bear this in mind when composing, writing and drawing your story. These two elements need to be in the strip.

The size of the book will be the same as the previous issue, which is

175mm wide x 240mm tall.

Given that about 5mm is ‘eaten’ by the spine of the book, your maximum page size is 170mm x 240mm. If you want your artwork to ‘bleed’, or go to the edge of the page, please supply artwork 185mm x 250mm.

(If all this is confusing, then just work on an A4 size page: this is in the right format and your artwork can be easily reduced by a photocopier or computer to the right size.)

It is very convenient to receive digital versions of artwork, on disk or emailed: more information about file formats and sizes will be posted here.

Deadline for artwork: Monday September 15. Previously, TANGO deadlines have been pretty elastic, but this time we will absolutely need your work by that date, or even before. This is because of some very good news:

Cardigan Comics has received ‘Presentation’ funding from Arts Victoria to aid in the production of Tango8! This funding will contribute to fees for the production team (editor, cover designer, book designer) for the book, allow us to double our print run and to engage a publicist, in order to ensure that ‘Tango8: Love and Food’ finds a substantial readership. Our belief is that, with the recent development of the Australian ‘graphic novel’, or ‘book comic’, that the audience for Australian comic book stories is growing.

Other information:

Notification of whether your story will be published in Tango8: end of September 2008.

Tango8 launch date: end of November 2008.

As has been the case with previous issues of TANGO, people whose work is selected for publication are not paid but receive a author’s copy of the issue, and the option to purchase further copies at cost price. And of course, you get to be flushed with fervour at being part of the revolution in storytelling in this country.

So. Write! Draw! Eat! Love!

And we’ll see you at the launch in November!

Thanks, Arts Victoria!


Illustration courtesy Our Books.
Tags: comics

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