Pop Soda Anthology #2 @ Kaisen Convention

Kaisen 3 - Soda Pop
Courtesy Soda Pop Comics (and some aid from Babelfish Translation):

27 of April the third edition best convention of comics is gathering in Puerto Rico, KAISEN!

Convention 10am to 7pm, entrance FREE!

Kaisen 3 - Soda Pop

For all those that missed 2 Kaisen 1 and this it is your opportunity. They are going to see a spurt of salesmen, activities, cosplayers and to char them. It is a convention that is going to you to entertain all the day. We will be selling ours comics (Zoés Blues, Tick Tock, Speed Demon, Huntress, $19,95), plushies, mini comics and prints limited. We are going to have 2 comics NEW: Emma and the second edition of the Antologia de Pop Soda Comics.

Soda Pop Anthology #2

Come by our table to salute and to see many new surprises to us.

(What’s a plushie? I think this is what they’re talking about.)

Kaisen 3 - Soda Pop

[Original:] El Domingo 27 de abril se estara celebrando la tercera edicion de la mejor convencion de comics y cosplay gathering en Puerto Rico, KAISEN!!!! Y estara estrenando local nuevo! Sera en el Pedrin Zorrilla (por Plaza las Americas). La convencion sera de 10am a 7pm, entrada GRATISSS! Para todos los que se perdieron Kaisen 1 y 2 esta es tu oportunidad. Van a ver un chorro de vendedores, actividades, cosplayers y charlas. Es una convencion que te va a entretener todo el dia. Nosotras estaremos vendiendo nuestros comics (Zoe’s Blues,Tick Tock, Speed Demon, Huntress, $19.95), plushies, mini comics y prints limitados. Vamos a tener 2 comics NUEVOS: Emma y la segunda edicion de la Antologia de Soda Pop Comics . Pasen por nuestra mesa a saludarnos y a ver muchas sorpresas nuevas.

Tags: comics

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