Cowboy Kung-Fu: A Glimpse Of Burmese Comics

A Comics Lifestyle correspondent checks in from Burma (whoops, Myanmar) and notes that there is not only a comics publishing world but also a rental industry. In a literate environment with limited interchange with the outside world, books and periodicals are recycled and re-read.


This 2004 book-sized comic by ‘Shawn Aung’ (lovingly re-bound by hand) sports a Bollywood-esque looking painted cover, but the black and white panel interiors would fit well in just about any Southeast Asian country. Subject matter: a mixed bag including banditry & doomed romance; the closest description might be cowboy kung-fu! The most interesting thing is the size: roughly 150 pages, 18.5 by 23.5 cm. Most Southeast Asian comics are A4 or A5, regardless of story length.

You know from Burmese comics? The Mighty Internet hasn’t dredged up much so far, except for hints they exist and are read widely. Drop us a line via info [via] comicslifestyle [dot] com.

Tags: comics,myanmar,burma

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