Instantaneous II

Instantaneous2 Postcard

An Art Exhibition
Opening 7pm Tuesday 4th December at the Grace Emily Hotel
Auction of pieces starts at 8pm
Exhibition runs to the 21st December 2007

The second INSTANTANEOUS art exhibition, celebrating original comic book panels taken out of their context, is opening at 7pm on December 4th at the Grace Emily Hotel, 232 Waymouth St, Adelaide.

Instantaneous showcases the talents of South Australian comic book creators. Each piece in the exhibition highlights a single panel from the comic book medium taken out of its original story context.

“The idea is to get people thinking about what has occurred before and what will occur after the instant depicted in each piece- in other words, the power of a single panel,” says Peter Moore, co-curator of the Instantaneous Art Exhibitions.

All 42 pieces will be professionally auctioned off on the opening night, with all proceeds going to the Vincentian Centre and Magdalene Centre kitchens. Pieces will then reside in the gallery until December 21st.

”The inaugural Instantaneous held in May managed to raise over $1800 for the kitchens, which was a fantastic effort. This time we aim to better that. The auction will be a unique chance to own a piece of original Adelaidean artwork while making a donation to grass roots charities,” hopes Peter.

Acoustic legends Athletic Teenage Joggers will be playing at the venue for the opening, supported by the musical heiress Domunique.

All inquiries please contact Peter on 8231 3433 or visit

The 2nd INSTANTANEOUS Art Exhibition
Opening Tuesday 4th December 7pm
The Grace Emily Hotel 232 Waymouth St Adelaide, Australia

Tags: comics

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