Flower of Battambang


Sotha aspires to marry his sweetheart Phalla, the daughter of a wealthy merchant. But a street altercation casts suspicion and blame on him, and he leaves home to seek a better fortune in Phnom Penh. While Phalla tries to forget Sotha, and consents to an arranged marriage, doubt remains in her heart that this is the correct choice…

Our Books and Meta-House invite you to an exhibition of comic art by Em Satya, on November 6th, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Em Satya is an artist who has worked in nearly every field of illustration. Most foreigners have seen his cartoons as ‘Nono’ in Cambodge Soir, and many Khmer readers have enjoyed his comic adaptations of classics such as Sopaset and Sovannasam.
Now, he presents his first comic in graphic novel format, funded with the help of literary aid project VALEASE.

‘Flower of Battambang’ is a graphic novel set in Battambang and Phnom Penh, shelved when the market for local comics experienced a downturn. Nearly two decades later, Em Satya has taken up his pen and finished the story, which has been assembled into one volume.

The Exhibition will open on November 6th (original art and signed prints will be on sale).

The graphic novel (in Khmer, French and English) will premiere on November 20th.

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