TANGO 7 update

Dear friends and comic book makers,

in case you are just finishing off your Tango7 piece, or despairing 
because that end of June deadline has passed, do not weep but rather, 
re-grasp that pen!

We now have a launch date – September 28: it will be part of a comic 
book art exhibition in the Melbourne Fringe Festival, more information 
to come later.

So, the deadline has been re-set to July 31, which will give us time 
to get the book assembled and printed.

So, there is still time!  Finish your piece!  Start it!  And have it 
in to me by the end of the month.  I have already received a wealth of 
great material for this issue – as I say each time, “This is the best 
one yet…”

Be part of it.

The contributors’ info is here:


I look forward to seeing your work.



Bernard Caleo
Cardigan Comics
“I can’t believe it’s not literature!”

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