Tango 7: the sedition edition

Dear Friend of Cardigan Comics, and past and future contributors to Tango,
I know you’ve been champing at the bit to start writing and drawing 
comic strip stories about Love and Sedition for ages now, and finally 
your time has come: if you click on the link below you will find all 
the information you need about how to contribute a story to the next 
issue of the giant Australian romance comics anthology, Tango:
Please forward this link on to anyone you think would be interested, 
and please contact me if you need more information.  As all of you 
probably know by now, I’m not the quickest email replier (hah!) but 
I’ll get back to you eventually.
This is really a comic book whose time has come, so pick up a pen and 
make some art.
Make some dangerous art.
Bernard Caleo
Cardigan Comics
PS Thanks to Justin Caleo and Mark Scillio for their great help with 
the shaping of the Tango7 contribution page.
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