big AUSTRALASIAN mini !!

Tags: comics hi hi everyone…. looks like the print on demand big arse mini go go goes ahead and will be available at this years SPX in USA (coupla days away?) many of the australasian – assasins responded to the call of rampant self interest and prudent thriftiness by sending them their pages (no really, its all about the comic medium…) and so there is a large antipodean representation.

I think the editor david recine at one point exclaimed “we could have a whole new zealand / australian section!”, so in all seriousness good effort everyone, thank you for making it look like the zombo still knows people.

heres the people from here i know that are in it, there maybe others i don’t know on the list.

Ben Hutchings Clint Cure Dave Bradbury Glen Smith Indira Neville Jeremy Woods Jess Johnson Mandy Ord Nick Potter Tim Danko Tim Molloy

congrats to glenn smith for scoring the back cover!!! cher !!

click here for some comics journal latest news about it, or here for the blog about the project.

rah rah the flag!

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