STRATA #9 Tuesday 26 September
*Strata café, Level 4 Kate Edger Information Commons, Alfred St,
University of Auckland, 5 – 7 pm
2006 Literary fellow DYLAN HORROCKS, Australian guests KEN BOLTON and
CATH KENNEALLY read with local poets and student writers
Ken Bolton
Janet Charman
Sean Damer
Dylan Horrocks
Fiona de Jardine
Cath Kenneally
Michele Powles
Sophie Procter
Aidan Rasmussen
Suneal Varma
Free entry. Food and beverages for sale in the cafe.
Information Michele Leggott
THE STRATA READINGS are a continuing project of the New Zealand
Electronic Poetry Centre (*nzepc*), Auckland University Press and
Auckland University English Department in association with Strata café
and the Postgraduate Students’ Association.
STRATA CAFE is on Level 4 of the Information Commons on the corner of
Symonds St and Alfred St. Use Alfred St ramp by University Book Shop and
take the lift. The café is across the walkway, first door on the right.
Tags: comics,newzealand