A Fist or a Club or Something

(30 Jun-21 Jul, 2005)

The folks in the Oats comics collective / gang / movement are holding a exhibition. Featuring the work of Sugar Jon Arcus, Indira Neville, Gfrenzy, Adrian Ganley, Stefan Neville, Tim Danko, Clayton Noone and Garbett, the show is at Special Gallery, Level 1, 26 Customs St. East, Auckland.
Check out a review of Clayon Noone and Stefan Neville’s Pipis over at
the Comics Journal.

[Courtesy New Zealand Comics Register]

If you’re in the mood for art exhibitions, you should also check out A fist or a club or something, an Oats Comics exhibition featuring: sugar jon arcus, indira neville, gfrenzy, adrian ganley, stefan neville, tim danko, clayton noone and garbett.

It will be showing from 30th june-21st july (opening 6pm. 30th june.) at SPECIAL gallery. level 1 ,26 customs st.east. downtown auckland. with Live performance by DEAN. plus pies and beers.

Established in 1993 in Hamilton City of Dreams during the last days of high school and the first days of the dole, Oats initial incarnation as an actual gang proved half-arsed and scary. They realised making comics was not as sore and if you can throw a punch or pick a lock you can just as easily draw a comic.

Over the years titles such as choice guy, darkanus, dad and tracy, nice gravy, city of tales and scorch have appeared under the Oats banner. Oats comics embrace true horror, everyday awe, derelict hilarity, the piss and shit mundane, drunken scribble and the most beautifulist and stupidist.

A Fist or a Club or Something exhibits new works in pen,ink pencil and twink, cellotape, computers, scissors, old dollys, sequins, cardboard, and photocopier.

[Courtesy smallprint.org.nz]

5 new books launched at our exhibition! “darkanus goes bananas” by adrian ganley, “red-roll name” by tim danko, “i am a comic” by indira neville, “win tanes bra” by c.noone and s.neville, and an all new bottom of the barrel “oats” anthology thing….an thats not counting gfrenzys new one off hardbound 100 page “my two dad“….

[courtesy Black River Digital]

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