Green Amber

My New Years Resolutions:

1. To be a better greenie – ie, empty the compost bucket more often, keep my wormies alive and tear the little plastic windows from the envelope before I throw them in the recycling.

2. To write more letters. Actually, *any* letters would be an improvement.

3. To get on a plane. Scary thought. Really scary thought but I haven’t made it on to one since 1999 so I reckon it’s time to conquer that particular neurosis.

4. Try not to bring home any more injured/sick pigeons – shall endeavour to look the other way. Is this a good thing? I don’t know…

5. Start a not-for-profit org! More on this later…

Comics-wise, this year I’m planning to do a comic for Knee Pockets #3. David Tang has written the story and has asked me to draw it… a pretty amazing scenario given I can’t actually draw but hey, I’m gonna give it a shot! Also I’m going to try to put out a mini-comic – after all these years of aspiring to fancy schmancy books and full colour compendiums I have decided that I need to return to my roots (so to speak) and do a little photocopied mini-comic that I’ll sell for a dollar or trade. Maybe it’ll be called Big Smoke 9 – maybe not. It’ll probably be full of boring baby stories that no-one wants to read. I’d also love to contribute to a couple of anthology type things so (silent army folks, others?) but I reckon no-one will ask me cause I’ve been so slack in the past. Go on, ask me, ple-ee-ase?

Amber Carvan – Bored Housewife

( for baby pics)

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