“Fragment” – an unfinished pitch

[Ben Hutchings, Australia:] A while back, before I had two rockin’ regular comic jobs I was playing around with a couple of ideas. This is a page from an unfinished pitch for a teenage boy’s magazine. It doesn’t really show that the strip is a sci-fi action chase story, but it is nicely drawn I think!I was so excited about this, as it’s an idea I came up with in college 17 years ago, and it reflects the exact comic attitude and imagination I had at that age.

I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome this comic would be. My vision of the future is the best. Not a computer or holographic user interface in sight – just Australia as it is, but exaggerated by 250%, and with heavily armed postal vans, bus chases, destruction and flying eye-ball ships manned by renegade freak convicts from the moons of Jupiter. Maybe after Stinky 10 I will turn my attention to this. I really have to restrain myself from going on and on about it, and telling you why it’s so awesome. Why won’t you believe me.

Tags: comics

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