STRASBULLES – Comics Festival in Strasbourg, France Edit


Hello with all, friends of Institut Pacôme,
Strasbourg inaugurates its first festival of comics/cartoon
(if one does not take into account the desktop publishing meetings which we have organized under the name of St PACÔME for now 5 years).

This festival is called STRASBULLES, and the site which is dedicated to it also presents the programme:

Having affirmed a modern festival would speak about all the spectrums of the comics, we proposed – Institut Pacôme , the Collective Troglodyte, and the Collectif des Amoureux, all three of Strasbourg, to organize a self-publishing space worthy of this name.


For that, we invited the LE NOUVEAU JOURNAL DE JUDITH ET MARINETTE like MISMA, structures of desktop publishing respectively of Rennes and Toulouse, to present a small panel of what is the state of current self-publishing, a sector in full effervescence since a few years.

A common Exposition entitled SECRETS OF THE LABORATORY will give a picturesque vision of the design (in all the directions of the term) that the artists of self-publishing are done of comics. Coloured Expo, accompanied by the realization into continuous Gazette of the Festival, photocopied in black and white, in the tradition of alternative editions.

On Thursday 18 starting from 19:15, to the LIBRAIRIE QUAI DES BRUMES (BOOKSHOP QUAY OF the FOGS), 120 Main street, the authors of the self-publishing will present their process and productions.

Included will be: Benjamin Adam, Daniel Blancou, Élisa Gehin, El gift Guillermo, Sebastien Lumineau, Ariane Pinel, Tofépi, trap and Sylvain-Moizie, officiating in the various collectives present. Freddy Nadolny Poustochkine [also?]

On Friday 19 starting from 13:00, Trade Union Room, a creative performance will propose to the authors to divert a page of the special guest of the festival to make three original pages of them. Diversions, joinings, pullings up, gribouillages, cutting or radical creation, all will be possible for the authors! The produced pages will be shared on the site thereafter.

In short, many things! Authors of the self-publishing having published in structures at national scale will dedicate their works on the stand of the associated booksellers entitled “Counter of Indépendants”.

Regarding the innovations to present for the occasion, Institut Pacôme GO:
One year under the sign of l’ exploration of new shores: Comix d’ Authors and creative review!

L’ will be noted; accumulation again title of the collection Clitopile Pruineux, dedicated to the

” Comix d’ Auteur”, in particular:

– > FORMOL n°1 and n°2, of Simon Hureau

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

(see excellent FORMOL criticism on the Du9 site)
Note that S. Hureau will not be present at the festival

->GESUNDHEIT n°1, de Jonvon Nias
Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

J. Nias will not be present at the festival.

->LES 24H OF… n°1, de Sylvain-Moizie et n°2, de Jonvon Nias

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

– > ULTRA VIOLET n°1, n°2, n°3, n°4, n°5, of Sylvain-Moizie and a different scenario writer each time.

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

— Number 2 of OCTOPUS MULTIPOTENT, The REVIEW YOUTH ÉCOLO/BRICOLO PROHIBITED WITH LESS THAN 10 YEARS should also be born for this weekend! (if all is well!) The site dedicated to OCTOPUS: (to have an outline). The cover of number 1:

Espace  Micro-Édition à  STRASBULLES, 1er festival de bande d essinée à Strasbourdessinée à  Strasbourg

ARIANE Pinel and d’ other participants in Octopus will be present at the time of the weekend of the festival. COME ONE, COME ALL!

L’ Illustrate Professor Pacôme, of the Institute of the same name


P.S. And also we are told; Alex Baladi will be also present for Strasbulles.
He will signing at the BRACKET (85 route de La Wantzenau in Strasbourg)
Friday 19 of 15:00 to 17:00
and also at the bookshop; USE OF the WORLD (40 route d’ Oberhausbergen in Strasbourg) on Friday 19 of 17:30 to 19:00

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