Hooray, Free Comic Book Day!

From Matt Huynh/Stikman:

For all you Sydney-siders who’ll be attending the Free Comic Book Day events tomorrow at Books Kinokuniya, here is the schedule of speakers and special guests that I’ll be speaking alongside. My session is at 11am and concerns innovation and experimentation in comics –


Panel: Pathfinders

Australia’s young talent discuss their unique ground breaking paths to success.
J Marc Schmidt (Egg Story, Eating Steve)
Matt Huynh (CAB: Collaborative Auto-Biography, Happy Birthday, Anyway)
Marcelo Baez (Diablo)
David Yardin (What If Xmen Deadly Genesis, Black Panther/X-Men)

Panel: Comics in the Mainstream

Graphic Novels have catapulted to the forefront of Pop Culture! Find out why from four very different viewpoints!
Dr Adam Possamai (Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Western Sydney)
Tim McEwen (Supanova Pop Culture Expo Art Director, Greener Pastures)
Mark Sexton (Production Designer: Happy Feet, Bug & Stump)
W. Chew Chan (Kinokuniya Comics Consultant, Storyboard artist: Superman Returns, Justice League Mortal)

Panel: Guest Of Honour – Nicola Scott (Birds Of Prey)

Australia’s hottest star talks about her success, her new project and breaking down stereotypes

Tags: comics

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