Talk at the National Library of Scotland

Talk at the National Library of Scotland
Body: A reminder of our talk next week, for those who can attend:

Talk/Panel Session: ‘In conversation with metaphrog‘.

Chaired by Lisa Otty, Graduate School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh.

When: Wednesday April 23rd at 7pm.

Where: National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW.

Free admission but please book in advance.

Held in conjuction with the exhibition Local Heroes – The Art of the Graphic Novel (the National Library of Scotland, April 4th until June 1st 2008).

Other talks include Alan Grant and Cam Kennedy, Frank Quitely, Gary Erskine, David Donaldson, and Dr Mel Gibson will also be doing talks, while curator John Birch will give a guided tour of the exhibition.

Go to the link below for more detail:
http://www. nls. uk/events/index. html

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