Monthly Archives: December 2007

Self-Employee of the Week

David Chelsea writeup at: Tags: comics

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Evolutionary End

[From] hi, tracy here. TRACED NEWS: EVOLUTION reaches its conclusion. yup, this is the last installment of the current story. hope you’ve enjoyed it. i am working on a new comic and with any luck (hard work) i’ll be … Continue reading

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Fact or Fiction: Miracles

Ben Hutchings has some new animation for you. Tags: comics,animation

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Tales from the Dark Side

Bill Térébenthine has some new comix for you. Tags: comics

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SpaceNite – Auction Update

(indie comicists helping mainstream pros in need:) Hi everyone, here’s a quick update on the SPACENITE TRIBUTE SHOW. Firstof all I just have to say, you are all awesome, thank you! The openingnight was a lot of fun, everyone who … Continue reading

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Rent Party!

La Mano Press (publisher of John Porcellino, Zak Sally and more is discounting its offerings, get something while the going’s good! (in the pipeline: Jason T. Miles, Dead Ringer)“here’s EXACTLY WHAT is on sale, here: Diary Of a Mosquito Abatement … Continue reading

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Andy Brouwer provides a writeup on the premiere of Bopha Battambang. comics

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Phnom Penh: Book Launch December 11

Tags: comics

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reading at Powells, 2 girls

from Shannon Wheeler (USA):This is a photo of the stream and photo stream etc.The signing went great. I had a blast. There were a good 50 people there (I am very appreciative of everyone who came out – thank you!), … Continue reading

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Justin Hall, USA: On Saturday, December 8th, I’m going to be the Cartoonist-in-Residence at the S.F. Cartoon Art Museum. I’ll be making comics on a drawing table set up in the lobby from 1-3pm, and will be answering questions and … Continue reading

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