Comics Rehabilitation

[from Amber Carvan:]
Are you a comic artist in need of rehabilitation? If not, perhaps you

know one?

I’m looking for people to join me for a stint in:


Four artists who haven’t been as busy as they should commit to
drawing four panels every four days for four weeks.
Comics Rehab
Yes sirree, that’s 28 days of comic artist rehab!

The fine print

1. Artists in rehab must commit to completing the program – this
involves drawing four panels every four days. The comics can be stand-
alone or can be part of a longer story.

2. Artists in rehab will have to scan and upload their own comics to
the rehab blog. Participants will be given an upload schedule and
will have to adhere to it.

3. Comic artist rehab encourages the family and friends of artists
undergoing treatment to drop by to offer encouragement and support. A
comments facility will be available.

4. The program only allows for four participants at one time. If
further artists require rehab, future rounds can easily be arranged.

5. If, it works we can publish the comics in a book/zine. Whaddaya

Email me if you’re interested or if you’d like to arrange for an
intervention for someone you know!

More info, URL etc, coming soon. Please circulate this notice to your


Amber ‘I so need to go to rehab’ Carvan
amber [via] carvan [dot] org

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