Pictozine Exhibition in Wellie

From the Pictoziners:
In line with the notion of Pictozine’s subtitle “the state of the art” we have decided to put on a gallery show of original New Zealand comic art and I am asking if you will allow us to show the original art you put in Pictozine or some other work representative of your comic creations. You can sell your work through this venue if you wish (or we’ll cheat and put a red sticker next to it at the start if you’ve already promised it to your mum!).
This show will tie in with the New Zealand Comic Weekend here in Wellington over the same weekend as Armageddon (April 21 and 22 2007) and you will be able to have some of your comics on sale at the gallery. Unfortunately this year there will be no award ceremony but there may be presentations and workshops. We will be in a larger space than last year.
I’m really excited about this and hope to establish it as an ongoing way of presenting our art to the dedicated and general public. Please let me know if you are interested and what you are willing to display. We’ll talk prices and stuff later.
BTW the first of the contributions for our next issue are coming in and in all cases I’ve seen the quality is up from last time – this is so so exciting! With nearly 40 of us putting in our work this promises to be one of the larger collections of New Zealand comics assembled – and very representative of ‘the state of the art’.
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