Hard to Swallow / Boy Trouble / True Travel


Hello there peoples!

I’m doing a signing at A Different Light bookstore at 489 Castro St. @ 18th on Friday, September 22nd, 7-9pm with Steve MacIsaac (STICKY, SHIRTLIFTER) and Andy Hartzell (MONDAY). It’s also a book release for HARD TO SWALLOW #2 , the gay porn book I’m doing with Dave Davenport, and THE BOOK OF BOY TROUBLE , an anthology of alternative queer boy cartoonists, which includes stories from Steve, Andy, and me (my first color piece, by the way). I’ll also be debuting my newest mini-comic, SWALLOWING A COBRA’S HEART AND OTHER TRUE TRAVEL TALES, in case you want something different from gratuitous penises and stories about whiny gay boys.


If for some (very compelling) reason you can’t make the event, you can buy the books via the various websites, or order them from your friendly neighborhood book/comic book stores. And as always, I have a bunch of comics available on my own website… This last mini isn’t up on it yet, but will be soon, along with a site revamp. I promise. Really. Look, just get off my back, bitches…

So please come by and support your favorite, poor cartoonists who chain themselves to their drawing tables for your amusement!

Lots of love,


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