dead xerox press and oats comics nervously launching our new 111 page australasian anthology MY SOILED SAMPLE this friday the 16th june at the wine cellar in st.kevins arcade, k. rd auckland….
recycled hard cover hand bound hand printed/stitched/
for $15 you get entry with a book AND theres these bands….
thee BIFF BANGLE EXPERIENCE: real proper mist eyed surf guitar instrumental nerds with flash fingers and choreographed jumps. 3 out of 4 comic artists
the BISCUITS: deep digging thug thumping lead squealing twin croon beat group beauty. 2 out of 3 comic artists.
if you dont wanna book its only $5 entry. no excuses. and i believe theres gonna be a art raffle. 10pm start. i hope you can make it all of you.
http://www.deadxeroxpress.MY SOILED SAMPLE this friday the 16th june at the wine cellar in st.kevins arcade, k. rd auckland.10pm.