“Comic World / 2005” (Brazil)

 [Courtesy Chris Slane, Black River Digital. We are so there. ] 

Sponsored by: Senac São Paulo and Devir Publishers


Senac São Paulo and Devir Publishers, aiming to stimulate and promote the work of graphic artists, are inviting cartoonists to participate in  the 1st International Comic Contest of the event “Comic World / 2005  (Brazil).

Schedule and Deadlines

– The deadline for registration is July  6, 2005. Registrations will be deemed effective upon submission of entries to the addresses  (electronic or not) listed below.
– Event Opening – “COMIC WORLD/ 2005” opening date is July  12, 2005.
– Visitation: from July 13 to August  13, 2005

How to participate

The contest is open to all cartoonists, professional or amateur, from  all over Brazil and the world, aged over 16, who must submit  unpublished comic stories. Each author can submit up to 2 (two) works.  Artists from all countries are allowed to participate.


Senac’s and Devir’s employees (as well as their relatives) are not  allowed to participate in the aforesaid contest. Neither is anyone involved in the preparation and execution of “COMIC WORLD / 2005”.

Entries Format

– Theme: Free
– Number of pages: Each story shall be just 1 (one) page long, in the  vertical format, with or without text, and the author can participate  with up to two (2) stories.
– Techniques: All techniques can be used in the production of the comic  stories.
– Specifications: Draw your stories on A3 paper (29,7cm x 24,0cm or  11,693 inches x 16,535 inches), digitized in 300 dpi, color mode, JPG  format (medium quality), with a limit of 1,5 MB and e-mail it or send a  recorded CD (Compact Disc) to the address below.
– Each of the submissions shall carry the following attached data:  author’s full name, artistic name, full address, phone number, e-mail,  ID (RG) number, Tax Roll (CPF) number. Participants can also send, non-compulsorily, a résumé with photo for the event’s data files.

. Judging

A Judging Committee will select the best entries.

The Selection and Awarding Jury, formed by specialized professionals, is sovereign (self-ruling) and their decisions are non-contestable.

Entries will be judged according to specific criteria established by  the Judging Committee.
The Awarding Jury reserves the right not to award the prize, should entries not achieve the minimum quality required.

Should the Awarding Jury verify any kind of fraud or plagiarism in 1  (one) or more submitted entry, the prize awarded to such entries can be revoked.

The list with the selected entries will be displayed at: 


The only prize, awarded to the best entry, will be the PUBLISHING OF THE AWARDED AUTHOR’S ALBUM by Devir Publishers, in accordance with the publisher’s usual format and contractual conditions.

Images Rights of Use

Participants shall grant the organizers (Senac and Devir) the right to use their images free of any charge, in order to promote the event, for unlimited time.

Selected entries will be exhibited during the event “Comic World / 2005” and in travelling exhibitions. All the entries can be used by Senac São Paulo and Devir Publishers for the promotion of the event in any public or private media, such as those published in the press (magazines, newspapers, books, posters etc.) or electronic media  (radio, TV, Internet etc), or even reproduced in several products and exhibited in Brazil and abroad.

Entries Submission

Entries can be e-mailed to the following address:


Applicants should pay attention to the following instructions:

– Registrations will be only accepted from June 6 to July  6,2005
– The “Subject” field should be filled out with “CONCURSO DE QUADRINHOS 

– Each registration must bring, in the body of the e-mail message, all  required information about the participant. An only image shall be  attached to each message.

– Entries sent via CD (compact disc) must be posted to the following  address:

Evento Mundo dos Quadrinhos / 2005
Senac Lapa Scipião
Rua Scipião, 67 – Bairro: Lapa
Cidade: São Paulo
Estado: SP
País: Brasil
CEP: 05047-060

. General Considerations

The original entries – which happen to be sent – will be automatically  deemed part of the collection of the “Instituto do Memorial de Artes  Gráficas do Brasil” (“Memorial Institute of Graphic Arts of Brazil”)  and will not be returned.

The selected comic stories will be reproduced for exhibitions, journalistic promotion and graphic pieces. Senac São Paulo shall not be deemed responsible for any loss or bad condition of the submitted entries or even their incorrect identification.

. Acceptance

Participation in the event implies in the acceptance of the dispositions herein.

. Other questions or non-covered contingencies

Any other eventual question or non-covered contingency will be subject to the decision of the event’s Judging Committee.

Registration Form

1st International Comic Contest of the event “Comic World / 2005” (Brazil)

First Name:

Last Name:
Pseudonym (if you have one):
Birth Date:
Tax Roll:
Phone #:
Fax #:
Date of submission:
Number of entries: ( )


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