It’s that time of the month

From Silent Army Encampment, Melbourne:

Well hello there good people.

This is a note of interest to any and all who want to hang – out at personal

proximity as comic artists, together, in public.

Plus – the last call fer True Fantasy submissions!

A last call fer RSVP’s on TRAILS .bring ya sketchies!

‘N hey – let’s start a JAM aswell – that’ll keep us goin fer a while!

Shit shootin and loose tootin from 7pm Saturday At Jeromes – New Caladonia

Lane in the City – we’ll be down the back in the basement, past the loo. ( there’s some little band called the avalanches playin that night too, so if it gets just a lil too public we can move it on out to somewhere less cavalcading, ok? )

well, until then – DRAW MORE!

Love ‘n wisses,

Mikal and Kieran.

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