Silent Army: Big Day Out
In the ever ongoing attempt to homogenize and co-opt Silent Army into the workaday world, some bright soul invited them to provide decorations for the 'Big Day Out' rock and role festival.
They obliged with pictures of drunk, arsefaced yobbos and giraffes fucking.
Kieran Mangan tries to hide his light under a bushel.
The setting.
The work.
The aforementioned giraffes.
Yes we are manic.
Motif from Froth.
Yes please.
Everybody say 'ArseFace'.
Ready to share.
Silent Army Marketing Wing will be on these jackets soon.
Mikal goes for a little spray action.
Jesus saves, Braddock Slaves.
Aaron putting a lot of, um, effort into the giraffes.
The tanned and tattooed crowd eats it up.
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